

RYB will announce any decisions about weather cancellations based on a decision by the school or Township whether the gyms will be open or not.
PLEASE NOTE: Cancellations may be for specific gyms, days and times, or may be for all RYB events.
Our general bad weather policy:  Parents or drivers should use their own judgment whether the roads are safe to travel locally or not.
Check email from TEAMSNAP for announcements - or keep checking the TEAMSNAP app
If your game or practice is cancelled, it will not appear on the list of scheduled practices and games


  • You should wait and not cancel on your own. TeamSnap will be updated by RYB as soon as gym closure decisions are made.
  • RYB will notify each team via TeamSnap about Cancellations.
  • If you decide to cancel because of your judgment about your own driving safety, then you must notify RYB ASAP.
  • Makeups or rescheduling, where possible, will be done by RYB.
School Days - School Cancelled for the day or Early Dismissal - Gyms in that particular school will likely be closed that evening.
Weekends - If weekend school events are cancelled for a Saturday or Sunday - Gyms in that particular school will likely be closed as well.