All facilities used by RYB allow indoor use without masks.

Large indoor events still pose a risk of spreading COVID and other respiratory infections, but hopefully not serious.

RYB asks families to continue to be cautious as spectators fill up a gym - PLEASE FEEL FREE TO WEAR A MASK if the space gets more crowded.


CDC still recommends caution about spreading COVID and other viral infections, particularly for those with vulnerable health conditions and for those who are not fully vaccinated.

Note that required mask wearing and other precautions are subject to reinstatement by the schools/gyms if warranted by increased serious COVID or other illnesses spreading in our community.


Those who choose to mask, as well as those who choose not to mask, should be equally respected.


We want to thank all of the volunteers, parents and players for their support in keeping youth basketball up and running in Radnor during the 2020-2022 pandemic period.